PYRAMID ORACLE // Native americans
You can still see a few of these distinctive paste-ups in Shoreditch. They are made by US artist Pyramid Oracle. They are mostly monocromatic and hand-painted. They usually represent somehow melancholy humans or animals with a thick skin and surrounded by sort of mytological symbolism. I tried to understand better on the web and what mostly appears is the description associated with PO's recent London exhibition last August. It says that "by exploring the metaphysical, it seeks to capture the often imperceptible geometric systems that permeate through all of nature. And revisit venerable means of understanding the great architecture of the universe". Hope you understood because I didn't. For the uneducated (like myself) I think is more intelligible to know that apparently the artist developed his art by travelling extensively in the Midwest, hitting the street and take inspiration by the volks and things he met. A lot of influence seems to come from the Native Americans, their beliefs and their relationships with animals and nature. And even if there is an ocean between London and those territories, these paste-ups fit well in East London walls. Maybe because the style naturally blends with the bricks, maybe because London is a global village, maybe because they describe the feeling of the old local London people, now somehow confined in reserves in a city that changes quickly under the flow of money and technology